Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stage 4

Neo Huroid

At this point of the PQ, if a member of your party found Romeo/Juliet's letter back in stage 1, you have the option to let their partner read it now. To get their partner to read it, just have the party member with the letter talk to Romeo/Juliet.

Stage 4 is where your thief and magician come into play. Upon death, the neo huroids will occasionally drop a key card.

These are used to open the doors on the left and right of the map. The doors cannot be opened without a key card, which means that if you don't have a card ready when your thief/magician is done, you'll be stuck with one less party member until you find one. The key card only opens the door for a short while, so make sure your thief/magician is ready to enter the room when the card is dropped.

The key cards can be brought into the rooms with you, but they will not open the doors from inside.

Behind these doors is a jump quest. These rooms will take away 100 HP every 3 seconds from the person inside, so it is important to have them in and out as fast as possible.

The thief portal jump quest is made up entirely of scrolling platforms. After a few practises, it is pretty easy to do. It will take a few runs to get entirely used to it though, as the area is mostly blacked out as it was in stage 2.

Along the top row of platforms are 5 or 6 boxes. Your thief needs to carefully hit these boxes open and look for the Alcadno's Experiment Documents. The boxes will occasionally drop items such as unagi, pure water, mana elixirs, and mesos.

Once your thief has the documents, they need to make their way back down to the door they came in through, and another party member should drop a key card outside the door to let them out. The documents should then be given to Romeo or Juliet.

This process needs to be repeated for the door on the right side of the map, which requires a magician with maxed teleport.

The magician jump quest is relatively simple. Just teleport to the up and right of the map, hitting the boxes and searching for the Zenumist documents. When you find them, just teleport back to the door at the bottom left.

Thank you x3babyraver!

When both documents are handed over, all of the neo huroids will disappear, and the NPC will open the door to stage 5.

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