Full Swing (Max: Lv20) Passive - Received from Lv70 quest
Increases the damage of Double Swing and Triple Swing. Requires Lv20 Triple Swing.
Lv1: Double Swing MP -6, 144% Damage & Triple Swing MP -8, 274% Damage
Lv10: Double Swing MP -8, 180% Damage & Triple Swing MP -10, 310% Damage
Lv20: Double Swing MP - 12, 220% Damage & Triple Swing MP -14, 350% Damage
Notes - This skill improves the overall damage of your basic attacks. This is a must-have! Triple Swing's multiplier represents the damage dealt by the FINAL HIT only. Full Swing turns Double Swing into 2 stabs, making a full Triple Swing a 4-hit combo.
Critical Combo (Max: Lv20) Passive
Default critical damage is 100% and critical rate is 10%. For every 10 combos, your critical damage and critical rate goes up. Requires Lv10 Combo Ability.
Lv1: +1% Critical Damage with a 1% chance, increases 1 time.
Lv10: +5% Critical Damage with a 3% chance, increases 5 times.
Lv20: +10% Critical Damage with a 6% chance, increases 10 times.
Notes - A warrior hitting criticals is just awesome. If this is stacked with Sharp Eye, good ol' Zakum's in for a world of pain. I do not know whether the Critical Damage mentioned in the description means +100% Damage or 100% Damage.
Final Toss (Max: Lv30)
Toss up to 12 monsters in the air. If you attack monsters in the air, they will receive additional damage. You have to use Triple Swing first before using this skill. Requires Lv20 Triple Swing.
Input command: Triple Swing + Up + Attack
Lv1: MP -10, 52% Damage, +42% Damage on monsters in air
Lv15: MP -15, 80% Damage, +70% Damage on monsters in air
Lv30: MP -20, 110% Damage, +100% Damage on monsters in air
Notes - Simply brutal. Can you imagine hitting a critical on tossed monsters?
Fenrir Phantom (Max: Lv30)
The soul of the wolf is summoned and merged into the sword to attack monsters twice from a wide range. 100 COMBO is needed to use this skill. Requires Lv10 Combo Smash.
Input command: Down + < + Attack or Down + > + Attack
Lv1: 510% Damage, hits 4 enemies
Lv15: 650% Damage, hits 6 enemies
Lv30: 800% Damage, hits 10 enemies
Notes - In case you're wondering, the key input is the same as Combo Smash; just that if you input at 100+ COMBO, Fenrir Phantom will be casted instead.
Snow Charge (Max: Lv20)
Adds an ice element to the polearm for a short period of time. The monster's speed will decrease after being attacked.
Lv1: MP -25, 100% Damage, lasts for 10 seconds, enemy's speed -21 for 5 seconds
Lv10: MP -29, 105% Damage, lasts for 100 seconds, enemy's speed -30 for 10 seconds
Lv20: MP -35, 110% Damage, lasts for 200 seconds, enemy's speed -40 for 20 seconds
Notes - Snow Charge is a nerfed version of Ice/Blizzard charge in that it does not freeze but instead slows. Be very careful when fighting mobs like Bain!
Smart Knockback (Max: Lv20)
Lower the damage required to knockback a monster.
Lv1: MP -60, monster's Knockback Damage -10% for 15 seconds
Lv10: MP -42, monster's Knockback Damage -40% for 60 seconds
Lv20: MP -30, monster's Knockback Damage -90% for 120 seconds
Notes - This is a self-buff that reduces the damage required to knockback the monster. This means that, at max level, if a mob normally requires 10k damage to KB, only 1k damage will be needed after casting.
Rolling Spin (Max: Lv20)
Push away monsters to the left and right side with a powerful wind.
Input command: Up + Up + Attack
Lv1: MP -16, 44% Damage, 38% chance to KB, hits 4 enemies, 1 second stun
Lv10: MP -20, 80% Damage, 65% chance to KB, hits 8 enemies, 1 second stun
Lv20: MP -24, 120% Damage, 95% chance to KB, hits 12 enemies, 1 second stun
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